Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.
Absence is defined as nonattendance for an entire day, a major portion of the school day, or seventy-five (75%) of any class, study hall, or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled.
Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal. Excused absences shall include:
- Personal illness with doctor’s note (handwritten notes from parents are NOT acceptable absenteeism excuses)
- Death in the family
- Legal or court appearance
- Religious observances
- Doctor's Appointment
- Circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control
- One day is provided for students when their parent or custodian is deployed into active military service. One day is also provided for students when the parent or custodian returns from active military service.
Students participating in school-sponsored activities whether on- or off-campus shall not be counted absent. In order to qualify as “school-sponsored”, the activity must be school-planned, school-directed, and teacher-supervised.
Early dismissals disrupt the learning day and are strongly discouraged. Such dismissals will be allowed only:
- In case of emergencies
- With valid photo ID
- With a valid doctor's appointment card
- With a validation of funeral attendance of immediate family including spouse, child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle or aunt.
- Name must be listed on the emergency contact form
Parents are to come to the main entrance waiting area to pick up their child. If you send someone else to sign your child out, please contact the school in advance to give permission. This could be done via telephone or a note to your child’s teacher. This is for your child’s protection.
All cars picking up students in the afternoon must present a valid J.E.S. car tag. This tag can be placed in the window for viewing by the staff. If you do not have the tag then you will need to come into the office to pick your student up.
Clock time for unexcused late arrivals or unapproved early dismissals will accumulate on the student's attendance record and will be considered as a part of the student's aggregate days missed as determined by the school calendar. These aggregate days may be reported to parents for five (5) days notifications and to the attendance officer for ten (10) day notifications in compliance with Compulsory School Attendance Law.
Chronic Absenteeism: Missing school for any reason (excused, unexcused, suspended/expelled). Commonly defined as missing 10 percent or more of instructional days, the threshold at which research indicates most students are at risk of negative academic and social consequences.
Parents will be contacted by school personnel at the point that a student has been absent 7 days excused or unexcused to determine if an attendance plan needs to be put in place.