JES Student and Parent Handbook
- Behavior Expectations and Consequences
- Alcohol and Drug Policy
- Assignment Books
- Attendance and Early Dismissals
- School Dress Code
- Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices
- Checks
- Emergency Drills
- Enrollment
- Fees
- Field Trips
- Fighting
- Grading
- Harassment Policy
- Health Policy
- Student Assignments
- Internet
- Lost and Found
- Lunch and Breakfast
- Medication
- Accidents and Illnesses
- Parent-Teacher Communication
- Physical Education
- School Closing
- School Counselor
- School Hours
- Snacks
- Special Events
- Student School Deliveries
- Textbook Policy
- Tobacco/Vaping Policy
- Transportation
- Visitors
- Withdrawal
- Jefferson County Schools Notice of Non-discrimination
Behavior Expectations and Consequences
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Respect must be shown toward students and adults at all times. Directions given by school personnel must be followed the first time.
- Fighting (including play fighting) or dangerous behaviors such as hitting, kicking, pushing, wrestling, and throwing objects (i.e. rocks and mulch) are not permitted.
- Running or playing in the hallways/bathrooms is not permitted.
- Only materials, supplies, and items directly related to units of study should be brought to school. There may be some exceptions with prior approval of teachers. Some examples of items that are NOT allowed are radios, toys, and laser light pointers, although this list is not exclusive. Cell phones and some electronic devices are allowed but must be turned off during school hours (see pages 9-10). Inappropriate items will be confiscated and released only to a parent.
- School property, facilities, and equipment must be respected and used properly.
- Bicycles, skateboards, heelys, and roller skates may not be ridden on school property.
- Hats are not recommended and need to be removed while indoors (etiquette).
- All state and federal laws must be followed at all times.
Students may receive good behavior tickets and other rewards for following rules, showing good citizenship and respectful behavior. Failure to follow school rules may result in the following action or actions (not necessarily in this order):
- Warning
- Reprimand/citation
- Parent notification
- Loss of privileges or activity, including end-of-year activities.
- Detention
- Damage or replacement fees
- Suspension
- Referral for expulsion
- Police action
Everyone agrees that discipline plays a very important role in school. Without order, academic and social goals will not be met. We strive to have a friendly, non-threatening learning environment. Teachers post classroom rules and expectations. If the classroom rules are continuously ignored, a student is referred to the office. It is our goal to come up with a behavior consequence or incentive that will put the student back into the classroom as soon as possible. Many strategies can and will be attempted; time out, counseling, parental contact, behavior plans, and suspensions to name a few.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
No student shall use, possess, give, exchange, transfer, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, hallucinogenic drug, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind on school property, at a school activity, or on school buses.
Tobacco and /or vaping products and /or paraphernalia are not allowed on school campus at any time.
Assignment Books
An assignment book or folder is issued to each child at the beginning of the school year. These books or folders are used as a means of communication between teachers and parents. Parents are to initial student assignments each day, and sign the form each week to show that homework assignments were reviewed.
Attendance and Early Dismissals
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session.
Absence is defined as nonattendance for an entire day, a major portion of the school day, or seventy-five (75%) of any class, study hall, or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled.
Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal. Excused absences shall include:
- Personal illness with doctor’s note (handwritten notes from parents are NOT acceptable absenteeism excuses)
- Death in the family
- Legal or court appearance
- Religious observances
- Doctor's Appointment
- Circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control
- One day is provided for students when their parent or custodian is deployed into active military service. One day is also provided for students when the parent or custodian returns from active military service.
Students participating in school-sponsored activities whether on- or off-campus shall not be counted absent. In order to qualify as “school-sponsored”, the activity must be school-planned, school-directed, and teacher-supervised.
Early dismissals disrupt the learning day and are strongly discouraged. Such dismissals will be allowed only:
- In case of emergencies
- With valid photo ID
- With a valid doctor's appointment card
- With a validation of funeral attendance of immediate family including spouse, child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle or aunt.
- Name must be listed on the emergency contact form
Parents are to come to the main entrance waiting area to pick up their child. If you send someone else to sign your child out, please contact the school in advance to give permission. This could be done via telephone or a note to your child’s teacher. This is for your child’s protection.
All cars picking up students in the afternoon must present a valid J.E.S. car tag. This tag can be placed in the window for viewing by the staff. If you do not have the tag then you will need to come into the office to pick your student up.
Clock time for unexcused late arrivals or unapproved early dismissals will accumulate on the student's attendance record and will be considered as a part of the student's aggregate days missed as determined by the school calendar. These aggregate days may be reported to parents for five (5) days notifications and to the attendance officer for ten (10) day notifications in compliance with Compulsory School Attendance Law.
Chronic Absenteeism: Missing school for any reason (excused, unexcused, suspended/expelled). Commonly defined as missing 10 percent or more of instructional days, the threshold at which research indicates most students are at risk of negative academic and social consequences.
Parents will be contacted by school personnel at the point that a student has been absent 7 days excused or unexcused to determine if an attendance plan needs to be put in place.
School Dress Code
Students should dress appropriately at all times (attire should be size appropriate). Dress should never distract from school activities or prove a hazard to the student’s safety or the safety of others. If, in the judgment of the school administration, a student is not appropriately attired or exhibits grooming which constitutes a distraction or disturbance to the school environment, the student will be sent home and not be readmitted until he/she is properly attired or groomed. Parents and visitors should adhere to this same dress code while at the school.
*See Dress Code (K-5) on last pages of this handbook.
Students may NOT wear:
- Clothing with words or graphics pertaining to drugs, alcohol, gangs, profanity, sex, racist or demeaning information.
- Any gang or gang-like attire
- Over-sized or ill-fitting clothing
- Sleeveless tops with large armholes or with shoulder straps narrower than 2”
- Strapless or tube tops, short shorts or cutoffs
- Bare midriffs
- Tattered clothing, un-hemmed pant legs, or ripped seams
- Undergarments showing
- Chains or weapons (including wallet chains and dog chains)
- Lack of undergarments
- Shirts, tops, or sweaters, unbuttoned below the sternum
- Bathing suits
- Flip flops or high heels are not permitted during P.E. Classes
- Unsafe jewelry or clothing
- Over-sized belts
- Hair is not to be sprayed or dyed in unnatural colors.
- Skull caps, do-rags, backwards or sideways hats
- Tattoos
- Dresses that are inappropriately revealing or suggestive
- Shorts appropriate in length (See board Policy)
Final decisions as to whether student dress or grooming is inappropriate shall be made by the principal or assistant principal. The following progressive interventions will be followed:
- Verbal warning - child may be required to turn shirt inside out or borrow school shirt.
- Notice sent home with student for return with parent signature
- Phone call home. Parents may be expected to bring appropriate clothing
- Loss of privileges in classroom or recess
- Referral to office - A student may be required to change clothes.
The above listing is considered to be a minimum standard. Principal may modify only to the extent that it is a higher standard.
Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices
Students may possess personal communication devices and personal electronic devices. The devices should be stored in cars, lockers, backpacks, purses, or personal carry-all bags. The principal or his/her designee may grant a teacher permission to use for instructional purposes. The principal or his/her designee may also grant a student permission to use such a device at his/her discretion.
- Students should not make any use of cellular phone/beeper, pager, or any other personal electronic device on any school campus during the hours of the school day. Device should be powered off when entering the building until students are dismissed. This includes all forms of message modes currently available in electronic communication devices, i.e., voice communication, text messages, and transmission of visual images. The Director of Schools will work with school administrators to develop a graduated schedule of consequences for each grand strand (PreK-5/ 6th-8th/ 9th-12th).
- Use of cameras on personal communication devices is strictly prohibited on school property during school hours. Students that violate this policy in areas where others do not have a reasonable assumption of privacy are subject to a law enforcement referral.
- The inappropriate use of an electronic device while on Jefferson County School Bus is prohibited. Examples of inappropriate activity may include, but is not limited to viewing, playing, listening, or sharing material that is not suitable for all ages. Students involved in inappropriate activity, or that refuse to comply with the driver's request, will be subject to disciplinary measures by school administrators.
Personal electronic devices such as gaming systems, electronic watches, music devices, and devices with mobile wireless access, should be stored in backpacks or lockers. The use of these devices during school hours is strictly prohibited. Use or improper storage of personal electronic devices will result in confiscation of the device until such time as it may be released to the student's parent/guardian. A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action.
Please write a separate check for each student event, for instance, fees, field trips, weekly readers, etc. Please do not include more than one item on each check. Pay for each student separately. Checks that do not clear the bank will be charged our regular bank charges in addition to the amount of the check. Checks must be made out to Jefferson Elementary School.
In the month of May each year, payments for all account balances must be made either on-line or with cash.
Emergency Drills
A minimum of 1 fire drill per 30 school days are required each year. Evacuation routes are posted in all areas of the building. Procedures for a drill include no talking and no running. Attendance will be taken when all classes have arrived at their designated places. The building is usually vacated in 3 minutes. In addition to fire drills, violent intruder lock-down, and tornado or severe weather drills are practiced throughout the year.
Children entering school for the first time must:
- Be six years old (five for kindergarten) or before Aug. 15th of the current year
- However, a child does not have to enroll in school at five years of age, but each child must have completed a kindergarten experience before the child’s seventh birthday.
- Bring their birth certificate
- Have a complete medical examination within the last six months of registration, to be recorded on a Tennessee School Medical Examination form signed by a medical provider
- Have a Permanent Tennessee Certificate of Immunization form signed by a medical provider
- Have a Social Security card
- Have two (2) proofs of residence – i.e. Utility bill, rental agreement, proof of residence affidavit
A general-purpose fee of $15.00 is charged in Grades K-5. Students transferring into Jefferson County from another state or county will pay full fee charge if the transfer is made prior to January 1st. After this date, 1/2 of the fee charge will be assessed. School fees are charged to provide students with necessary instructional materials.
Field Trips
Field trips are academic activities that are held off of school grounds. There are also other trips that are a part of the school’s co-curricular and extra-curricular program. No student may participate in any school-sponsored trip without parental consent. Student rules apply on all field trips.
While we encourage student participation in field trips, alternative assignments will be provided for any student whose parent does not give permission to attend. Also, students who violate school rules or have an outstanding financial balance may lose the privilege to go on field trips.
Parents are often asked to chaperone field trips. Chaperones are chosen by classroom teachers on an as-needed basis, and are expected to watch over a small group of students, not just their own child. Chaperones are never allowed to ride on a Jefferson County school bus, but may follow along in their own vehicle. Only the child of a chaperone may return back to school in his/her parents vehicle. No exceptions.
If a parent is asked to be a chaperone for a field trip, we ask that you DO NOT bring siblings along on the trip. A sibling can be a distraction from that responsibility. Most field trips have deadlines for turning in money and permission slips. You must meet all deadlines if you wish for your child to attend the trip.
A free background check will be required and provided by the school for all chaperones on all school-sponsored field trips, chaperones will provide their address, DOB, etc.
- All K-3 report cards reflect the reading level.
- Kindergarten students get progress marks showing growth and improvement without letter or number grade designations.
- Grades 1 and 2 students receive reports that reflect their progress in the academic areas and will not be assigned letter or numerical grades.
- Grades 3-5 receive letter/number grades.
- All students receive informal “mid-term” reports each nine weeks.
The following grading scale will be used in grades 3-5:
A 90-100 Outstanding
B 80-89 Above average
C 70-79 Average
D 60-69 Making Progress
F Below 59 Failing
- Grades are earned, not given. Students are held responsible for work assigned and for following individual teacher's directions on making up work missed due to illness.
- Students' permanent records are available to parents for review upon request through the office.
- Report cards will not be given at the end of the school year if money is owed to the school (cafeteria, library, lost or damaged textbooks). Once the debt is paid, the report card will be released.
Harassment Policy
- In order to maintain a safe, civil, and supportive environment in school for students to learn and achieve high academic standards, acts of bullying, cyber-bullying discrimination, harassment, intimidation, hazing, or any other victimization of students, based on any actual or perceived traits or characteristics, are prohibited (JC Board Policy 6.304).
- In order to maintain a safe, civil, and supportive learning environment, all forms of sexual harassment and discrimintaion on the basis of sex are prohibited. This policy shall cover employees' behaviors, students, and students' behaviors while on school property or at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation, or any official school bus stop in accordance with federal law (JC Board Policy 6.3041). While the school district will respect the confidentiality of the complainant and the respondent as much as possible, some information may need to be disclosed to appropriate individuals. All disclosures shall be consistent with the school district's legal obligations and the necessity to investigate allegations of harassment and take disciplinary action.
- Students, staff, and teachers have the right to work and play in a school environment free of harassment. An incident of possible harassment will be investigated and infractions may result in warnings, parent contact, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or dismissal from school.
- Any individual who has knowledge of behaviors that may constitute a violation of this policy (JC Board Policy 6.304) shall promptly report such information to the principal/designee.
Health Policy
Any physical disorder should be explained to the teacher at the beginning of the school year. Medical or dental appointments should not be made during school hours. Students should not return to school after a contagious disease until the doctor says it is safe. No student shall be excused from regular participation in the physical education program except by a physician's written statement.
In order for a student to be excused from school due to medical reasons, the student must be counted present for that school day. No student that reports to the clinic first thing in the morning with parent/guardian will be excused. The following are medical reasons in which the child will be sent home: fever of 100.3 or greater, vomiting (noted by school nurse or teacher), head injury, injury received at school that requires further medical care, and undiagnosiable rashes.
Student Assignments
Jefferson Elementary School believes that school work should occur daily and assignments should be completed on time. Student’s grades will reflect the completion of all work, including outside assignments. In case of absence from school, a parent is asked to make arrangements to receive any work missed on the day of the absence.
Students are expected to:
- Complete each assignment to the best of their ability
- Turn in assignments when they are due
- Seek help when necessary
- Adequately study for tests or quizzes announced by teachers
Parents are expected to:
- Provide the environment necessary for the development and nurturing of good study habits
- Closely monitor the quality and extent to which assignments are completed by communicating with their child each day and checking assignment notebook and/or folder.
If a phone conference is desired, parents are encouraged to call their child's teacher at a time when classes are not in session.
Internet Safety: Personal Information and Inappropriate Content
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the JCS staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.
- Students and staff should not reveal personal information, including a home address and phone number, on web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, e-mail or as content on any other electronic medium.
- Students and staff should not reveal personal information about another individual on any electronic medium.
- No student pictures or names can be published on any class, school or district web site unless the appropriate permission has been verified according to district policy.
- If students encounter dangerous or inappropriate information or messages, they should notify the appropriate school authority.
Internet Safety: Instruction
All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyber-bullying awareness and response.
- Age appropriate materials will be made available for use across grade levels.
- Training on online safety issues and materials implementation will be made available for administration, staff and families.
The training provided will be designed to promote Jefferson County Schools commitment to compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”).
Lost and Found
Please mark all belongings with the student’s name. Lost and found items are turned into the school office. The school cannot assume responsibility for lost books, clothing, money, or personal items. We request that students not bring valuable items or large amounts of money to school. Unclaimed items in the “lost and found” are donated to charity twice a year.
Lunch and Breakfast
Breakfast is served from 7:15 to 7:50 a.m. except on snow schedule days and the first and last day of school.
To speed up the lunch line process, it is requested that meals be prepaid weekly or monthly. Meal money will be collected on Mondays and Fridays. If lunch charges exceed more than five days you will be notified to make prompt payment.
Free/reduced lunch plans are available. Forms must be completed by the parents/guardians. Your child will accumulate charges until the free/reduced form has been approved by the central office.
Lunchroom Rules:
- If you touch it, take it
- If you drop it, pick it up
- No running
- Talk quietly with friends
- Be silent when the lights are turned off
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Respect the cafeteria staff and monitors
- Clean up your area when you are dismissed
- Raise your hand for help
- Parents are welcome to eat w/child.
Lunchroom Discipline Procedures:
If all of the students follow the cafeteria guidelines, there should be no need for the use of these disciplinary procedures. However, if any student chooses not to follow the cafeteria rules, the following discipline steps will be taken:
- Warning
- Classroom consequence
- Loss of recess time
- Silent and/or secluded lunch for a day or week
- Principal referral
Full price breakfast: $2.00 Reduced breakfast: $0.30
Lunch Price (Elem.): $2.75 Reduced lunch: $0.40
Milk: $0.50 Visitor lunch: $5.20
If you choose to pack your students lunch please do not send soft drinks.
Students may not carry medicine of any kind throughout the school day. All medication must be brought in, or picked up, by a responsible adult. Medication can not be sent to school with a student. Students under prescribed medication must identify themselves to the teacher and the prescribed medication shall be retained by the school nurse in the clinic during the school day. All prescriptions shall bear the name of the medication, directions for administration, and the name of the student. A parent must complete a Self-Administration of Medication form that can be obtained from the child’s teacher or the school nurse. School personnel can not provide medication such as aspirin or Tylenol for students.
Accidents and Illnesses
Parent-Teacher Communication
Jefferson County encourages parent-teacher communication in many ways. Communication between parents and teachers is essential to student success. Teachers will make themselves available for conferences at parent's request. However, parents should not expect teachers to take time from their teaching time for an unscheduled conference, not even a very short one. Remember that five minutes of the teacher's time away from a class of 25 students is 125 minutes of instruction.
Twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring, conferences will be scheduled. These may be scheduled in the evening. Request forms will be distributed and every effort will be made to schedule you at your requested time. All parents are encouraged to attend these conferences.
Physical Education
All students are required to wear appropriate clothing and tennis shoes on days for which your child is scheduled for physical education (P.E.) class. Any child not following this requirement will be asked to sit out during this time period. Action may be taken by the Physical Education Coach if a child consistently disregards this requirement.
School Closing
Students should have a clear understanding of what to do in the event that school is dismissed early and there is no one at home.
- Make prior arrangements with a family member or neighbor
- Give your child specific instructions
- School may operate on a snow schedule due to bad weather during the year. This means that buses will run one or two hours later and school will open one or two hours later.
- Please do not call the school to ask about closings. We have an automated system that will contact you with any necessary information. The telephone lines are always loaded in emergency situations.
School Counselor
At JES, all students have equal access to our school counselor. All students will have guidance classes throughout the school year. Whole group lessons are provided to help students learn and grow in the areas of academic, personal/social development and career awareness.
Small group sessions are available as needed to students who may need help with social skills, friendship issues, self-esteem, motivation, family changes, or grief. Referrals for counseling can be made by parents, teachers, administrators, or by students self- referring. If you need to refer your child, call 475-4713 and ask to speak to Mrs. Jazmin Byrd or email jbyrd@jcboe.net.
At JES, teachers and staff have been trained to implement the Olweus Bully Prevention Program, a research-based nationally known program. Students are taught through guidance lessons and classroom meetings how to handle bullying issues that may arise. Bully behavior is never acceptable!
Definition of Bullying
Bullying has two key components: repeated harmful acts and an imbalance of power. It involves repeated physical, verbal or psychological attacks or intimidation directed against a victim who cannot properly defend him or herself because of size or strength, or because the victim is outnumbered or less psychologically resilient. Bullying includes assault, tripping, intimidation, rumor-spreading and isolations, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, destruction of another’s work, and name-calling. In the United States, several other school behaviors (some of which are illegal) are recognized as forms of bullying, such as:
- Sexual harassment (e.g., repeated exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, and sexual abuse involving unwanted physical contact);
- Ostracism based on perceived sexual orientation;
- Hazing (e.g., upper-level high school athletes’ imposing painfully embarrassing initiation rituals on their new freshman teammates). Not all taunting, teasing and fighting among school children constitutes bullying. “Two persons of approximately the same strength (physical and psychological)…fighting or quarreling” is not bullying. Rather, bullying entails repeated acts by someone perceived as physically or psychologically more powerful.
School Hours
- Bus duty begins at 7:15 a.m. No student should arrive at school prior to that time.
- Grades K-5 begin school at 8:00 and are dismissed at 3:00. Those arriving after 8:00 are considered tardy and must report to the office. In the afternoon, 1st load bus riders are dismissed at 3:00 and car riders are dismissed at 3:10. All students must be picked up no later than 3:30. If your child needs to stay later, paid childcare is available thru the School Aged Child Care Center in our school. Registration forms and fees must be paid in advance. Parents may contact SACC at 865-640-7536.
- Pre-K begins school at 8:15 and is dismissed at 2:15.
Jefferson Elementary School strives to provide nutritional food items to our students. We ask that parents keep that in mind when bringing in snacks for class parties, snack time, etc.
Some suggestions of nutritional snacks are:
- Fruit Trays Cheese and crackers
- Veggie Trays Chips and Salsa
- Ice cream treats Cereal Bars
- Muffins Popcorn
- Juices Pizza
Please check with your child’s teacher prior to bringing in any snacks.
Special Events
Many special activities and programs are held throughout the year that parents and community members are encouraged to attend. The following is a list of some of our programs:
- Monthly PTO meetings
- Open House
- Book Fairs
- Spelling Bee
- 5th Grade Honor’s Day
- United Way Fundraiser
- School Fundraisers
- Scholar’s Bowl
- Night Of The Arts
- Reading With The Stars
- Team ELK Achievement Rally
- Boys and Girls basketball
Student School Deliveries
Textbook Policy
County policy dictates that parents must sign a Textbook Responsibility form found on the child's information sheet and pay for textbooks that are lost or damaged. Textbook costs are staggering. Please insist that your child develop a sense of value for his/her books and the importance of responsible care.
Tobacco/Vaping Policy
All students on school grounds and in school vehicles will abide by Jefferson County and Jefferson Elementary School rules.
- Any student leaving with anyone except a parent or on his/her regular bus must have written permission from a parent. Please send a letter of permission listing those people who have permission to transport your child. This letter will be on file and will be sufficient for the entire school year.
- Students must stay seated with their materials on their lap while on the school bus.
- No objects are to be thrown in or out of a school bus at any time.
- While waiting for buses, students must sit quietly in the correct bus line.
- No eating, chewing gum, or drinks are allowed on any Jefferson County school bus.
Any misbehavior on a Jefferson County school bus will result in disciplinary action.
The bus driver:
- Is responsible for the conduct of the students on the bus.
- Will operate his/her bus to insure safety to all children.
- Will enforce state, county, and local laws.
Bus guidelines for students:
- Bus drivers command the same authority on the buses as parents do in a family vehicle.
- Once seated, the students may not change seats without permission from the bus driver. Bus drivers may assign seats.
- No dangerous toys, drink bottles or cans, or glass in any form is permitted on a bus. No food is to be eaten on a bus.
- Excessive noise is prohibited.
- Students will not be let off the bus except at home and school.
- No objects will be thrown on/or from the bus.
- Students will pay for deliberate damage done to the bus.
- Students will obey drivers without any verbal disrespect.
- Vulgar language is prohibited.
- No student is to have any part of his body outside of the window.
- No student is to stand in the aisles or doorway while the bus is moving.
If a student breaks one of these rules, appropriate punishment will be administered.
- If it becomes necessary, a student will be suspended from riding the bus.
- Bus service is designed to transport the child to and from the home only. A request for switching buses must be made in writing, or in person by the parent, and approved by the principal before the beginning of the school day.
- Transportation changes will be taken only in emergency situations.
TRANSPORTATION –Riding with someone else
Students must bring a note if they are leaving school in some manner different from their usual transportation. For instance: going home with a friend, being a town student instead of riding the bus, riding a different bus, etc. All notes must be signed by a parent and approved by the office to give to the bus driver. The parent may also call the school with the change no later than 2:30pm. Telephone requests for transportation changes will be taken only in emergency situations. Parents should make arrangements with your child regarding transportation, destination, or other plans before leaving home.
Caring for the safety of our students is a responsibility we take very seriously. Therefore, it is necessary that we know who is in the building and why at all times. All visitors are expected to sign-in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge. School volunteers should either wear a visitor’s badge or volunteer button at all times. Visitors will be asked to show ID when registering to visit the school. Visiting, especially by parents and grandparents is encouraged at Jefferson Elementary. We strongly support and urge parent and community involvement. Visitor registration, is in no way an attempt to discourage school visits or participation.
Jefferson County Schools Notice of Non-discrimination
The following notice of non-discrimination meets the minimum requirements of the regulations enforced by Jefferson County School System.
The Jefferson County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disabilities, or age in its programs and activities. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Director of Student Support Services
Jefferson County Schools
1221 Gay Street
Dandridge, TN 37725
Inquiries may also be made to the Office for Civil Rights. The address of the regional office, which covers Tennessee is:
United States Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Atlanta Office, Southern Division
61 Forsyth St., S.W.
Suite 19T70
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 974-9406